Infinity Pool

We Have Solutions for All Types of Infinity Pool Issues!

Infinity Pool

A reflecting pool or swimming pool with water flowing over one or more edges to create the illusion of water without a limit is known as an infinity pool. It is also known as an infinity edge pool or a zero edge pool. The word “infinity pool” stems from the way the side of an infinity pool lacks a sharp edge, giving the impression that water is falling off into the distance. A catch basin is where the water that spills over the edge collects before being pumped back into the main pool.

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Infinity pools are constructed with a section of the wall removed near the top of the pool or at the coping level to provide this waterfall-like effect. The water then overflows the side and collects in a catch basin. The overflow water is pumped back into the pool using pumps and hydraulics, and the cycle is maintained.

Infinity pools are secure, yes. Keep in mind that the disappearing edge is only an optical illusion and not a real disappearing edge. You will come to a wall if you swim up to the pool’s edge.